GTAccess Invests in Solar Power & Electric Eco Cars


28 April 2015

GTAccess has installed 120, 30kW photovoltaic (PV) solar panels on the roof of its Bromsgrove Head Office,

The power generated by the solar panels is used to recharge all of our electric machines, as well as providing electricity for the offices and workshops.

Managing Director, Jonathan Till, explained “Having already made energy efficient measures at our Head Office, including switching to LED lighting, we looked at solar PV for further cost savings. The system has been sized so that for around eight months of the year the building is self-sufficient and also allows us to charge our battery machines from excess solar energy. Currently this is only available at our Bromsgrove location, but we are looking to install solar power at our other depots in the future.”

Furthering their commitment to becoming more energy efficient, the company is now running five electric company cars and one plug in hybrid, with plans to grow this number in the future. As a result, five Electric Vehicle charging points have been installed at the Bromsgrove Head Office, and at least one at each of the other depots, located at Gloucester, Stoke, Shrewsbury and Hereford.